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High Five for Friday: 9/20

It's that time again! No matter how busy I get, I always love doing the HFfF posts and giving you all a peek into my weird (yet colorful!) world. Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth is also part of the fun, as I sometimes get new visitors from her site and can find new blogs to follow too! This week was...exhausting. TGIF, that's all I can really say! I'll show you why:

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1. Last Saturday, the bf and I went to a charity-benefitting mimosa brunch at Drake SF that my friend Sophia's company threw. That's his hand, right there with the green! That's probably the only pic you'll all ever see of him on here since he hates photos, even though he's one of the most photogenic people I know. And he's dating me, the woman of all photos! I'm working on it. *Taps fingers together menacingly* Anyway, the venue was fun and had funky birdcage decor and the mimosas were good, and I hadn't seen Sophia in almost a year (!), so it was about time we all got together. What more can I say? It was a good Saturday!

2. I packaged and shipped out a new Coco scarf to the blogger Elizabeth from Delightfully Tacky, one of my absolute favorite blogs! She's going to style it in one of her outfit posts and link back to me/my shop. I'm hoping to get some new traffic for the fall from this venture but more than anything I hope she likes it, since I love love love her taste! It's funny how on the internet you can so highly value someone's opinion without ever even meeting them, but, here we are.

3. Here's the exhausting part now: I've been waking up before 6 all week to catch the 6:20am bus to work to go workout and then shower/get ready for the day at work, even today when I reaaaaally wanted to give myself the day off! I love having my schedule like this, and knowing at 3pm when I'm crashing that I don't still have to do my workout for the day, but DAMN if it isn't hard to change your body rhythms. I am definitely going to need to try harder to go to bed by 10:30 at the latest, 10 if I'm really honest about it, because going to sleep at 11, not falling asleep until 11:15, then waking up at 5:45 is not doing me any health favors. Yeesh. But! Otherwise! It's great!

4. Another knitting-related event this week: I finished and posted the Harriet Herringbone scarf on Etsy! Check it out and let me know what  you think.

5. Finally, as I'm sure you all know, the new iOS for iPhone came out this week. And, I love it. I love the colors, I love the icons, I love the new little functions (like the text boxes bumping into each other in messages! and the swiping to close apps! and the new backgrounds and how to check settings!), I just love it. Even better than getting iOS7 on my iPhone 4 this week (yup, 2.5 years with this bad boy) is that tonight after work I'm going to procure my VERY OWN iPHONE 5S! In some form, even if I have to order it. But cross your fingers I can get one in-person, because how fun would that be? I'm a little impatient if you couldn't tell.


Enough about me - what was the best part of your week?