maddy with a Y

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One Two Three: Things I love about fall

It has finally happened. The days getting are shorter, we've barely had summer in the actual summer months, and yet the weather in SF is so strange that we'll have indian summer for the entire month of October and barely get to enjoy fall! Well, no matter. I'm determined to get the most out of my fall weather experience, and here are some things that are helping me look forward to all that the season has to offer:

1. Hot chocolate


How amazing do those little flecks of lavender look against the creamy white marshmallow pillow? This just looks so scrumptious. I can already taste the chocolatey, creamy comfort as I cozy up in my armchair overlooking the street... You're never too old for hot chocolate.

2. Learning to knit socks


This year's knitting goal is to finally knit myself a pair of socks. I feel like I've always shied away from this task because I've heard how difficult the "turning around the heel" is, but this is the year I make it happen. This post from One Sheepish Girl makes me want to knit, in particular, neon green socks. I'll keep you updated as this happens because it will happen!

3. The rainy season


Finally, I'm just excited for the rainy season. If you've met me at all in the months of August through May, you'll know, I can't wait for it to rain. I can't wait for it to be overcast. to put on my sweaters and boots and hats and thick socks and basically wrap myself up like a burrito each night with comforters and blankets! So the thing I'm most excited about from the fall season is having an actual season, having rain, feeling the change in the weather. I love that part.