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Lindsay & Paul | The Wedding

You guys, I'm only a couple of weeks behind with my current events posts! I'm getting good at this! Remember that time I promised to post pics from a New York trip for like, eight months? Remember how I still haven't posted those? Yeah, anyway. Two weekends ago I went to a friend's [beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking, inspiring, splendiforous] wedding at a winery in Livermore (did you know that Livermore was the original wine country until Napa came along and kicked it to the curb? Must read up on this!) with the roommates and co.

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Needless to say, it was a fantastic night full of friends, food, dancing, love, and broken accoutrements (someone named Lily danced so hard that her necklace just up and broke.) Want to see more pictures? Click on through! I'm even wearing lipstick in some of them. It's shocking.

First, let me point out that the coffee bar we attended on the way to the hotel had several Game of Thrones references. So, Livermore gets points for that right away.


Our schedule was simple but ended up being a little harried - we drove from SF en masse, checked in to the hotel to drop our bags, drove into town for lunch, ate lunch quite briskly, got coffee for the road, got back to the hotel with 35 minutes to spare until the shuttle left for the winery, and all got gorgeous in that time. What can I say? I have talented friends! Also, we're all pretty cute to start. Yes, I went there!

We arrived at the winery to a welcome table full of refreshments, but luckily only had a few minutes to kill until we were told to take our seats...

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Could these rose petals be any more gorgeous? These colors are absolutely breathtaking.


Yes, the requisite selfie! We look pretty fab. Don't you love our statement necklaces? What do you think the current necklace trend is these days? Can you guess?

Once the ceremony began, it was all I could do to try not to mess up my painstakingly drawn eyeliner with silly tears; luckily, the ceremony was short but sweet, and we got right to the celebrating.

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First, there was cocktail hour outside while the bridal party took some pre-dinner pictures. Then we were shepherded into the wine cellar (!) for dinner. I haven't been to too many weddings, so I still feel like I'm adjusting to the occasion - I can't really properly describe the sensation of being in this beautifully lit room with friends and family of a couple who just took marriage vows. There's a sense of the seriousness of the occasion mingled with abundant happiness and optimism. Everyone is so full of joy but also holding back happy tears! Ok, maybe that was just me. Don't tell.

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The roomies! Again, don't we look cute? We did not coordinate on purpose, we just all look good in green. It can't be helped, really.

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We got more drinks and found our seats, and finally the happy couple appeared. They went straight into their first dance, which I thought was really romantic and fun. Note to self! Ok, not taking notes just yet... don't freak out, anyone.

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Leslie approved this picture.


Leslie said I had to crop her out of this picture.


The dinner was delicious, and such a great boost for the rest of the night! We needed our energy, I assure you...


The rest of the night was interspersed with pictures, dancing, cake, dancing, late night macaroni and cheese (best. idea. ever.), and more dancing.

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The guys decided to photo-bomb us. So subtle!

Finally, exhausted, we made our way back to the hotel. I stayed in my own room (holla! I got to spread my makeup around everywhere during the mad getting-ready-rush) so I watched a little TV before dozing off,  awakening the next morning to have breakfast in the NEW LOBBY (hotel joke) with the rest of these lovely ladies before heading back to the city, and then out of the city again, for Mother's Day.

Basically, weddings are the best. Congratulations again to the happy couple, and thank you so much for including me in your celebrations!