maddy with a Y

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In the summertime, when the weather is... overcast?

You would think I had a meteorology degree instead of my JD with all of the weather references in this blog. Well, they say to write what you know, and these days what I know is this:

1. I really, really, really wish the humidity would go back to the East Coast. Like, just pack your little cloud puff bags, catch a ride on a Noreasterly wind, and hightail it over to the other side of the country where you belong! Gimme back that moderate, dry heat I pay so much money for. Lately it's been overcast and unbearably stuffy.

2. Moving is exhausting! As some of you may have seen on instagram lately, I have packed up my little cloud puff bags and hauled tail over to another part of the city. I am super excited about this change, but dear god if I am not exhausted. And currently surrounded by boxes as I type this (my priorities were: set up internet, press play on Netflix, unpack coffee maker. Boxes of clothing can wait.)

3. Most importantly, I am ready for everything Fall. Not just the weather (though, truth be told, I am practically bursting out of my skin with excitement to pull on sweaters and boots in the next month or so), but the atmosphere. The sensation of the season. The feeling in the air! If Spring is the time of renewal and rebirth, then Fall is the time of nesting and connecting with your roots. And I love everything about that time of year. I always tell my dates (hey, maybe #thisiswhyimsingle?) that my favorite holiday is Christmas, not because of the religion or the gifts, but just the attitude. Everyone is a little nicer, a little more helpful and friendly, a little more apt to go out of their way to show compassion and kindness and generosity. It makes me want to bake cookies for everyone and knit hats for everyone and cover everything in sparkly gold tinsel and bright red bows!

Somehow this has organically come up in date conversation multiple times. It's bizarre.

But before I can fully Fall in love with a new time of year (see what I did there?), there are still a few days of summer left. It's getting chillier in SF but we're not all the way there yet - I predict another month or so before it starts really feeling like Winter is Coming.

That means it's not too late for me to share these cute ideas for a summertime brunch! The best part? Some of the ingredients are also fall staples, so this is a great transitional meal. Invite some friends over, break out the rosé while it's still warm enough out, and whip up a couple of these "dishes" (I use the term loosely) while you gab about boys and The Mindy Project and work stresses.

Or just nosh in satisfied silence. That works too.


Slice some apples, pears, or figs. These figs are just gorgeous and go perfectly with summer or fall ingredients. We paired them with some spiced nuts and the goat cheese from the salmon platter.

Pick up a pack of smoked salmon at any grocery store (I swear, even the liquor store down the street from me carries it now) and arrange it in thin slices around a healthy dollop of goat cheese. I like the more tart taste of goat cheese, versus the richness of cream cheese, but either will work for a breakfast. Pair with roughly sliced french bread (it should be fresh and crusty on the outside, soft on the inside. It's always worth it to get the good bread!) and add a garnish of drained capers on the side. Sliced red onion is also a fantastic topper for these little bites.

Hard or soft-boil some eggs to accompany any leftover bread. For soft boiled eggs, my favorite method is this: bring a deep pan or pot of water (enough to cover the eggs) to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and add the eggs gently. Don't bounce them off the bottom of the pan or they'll break and be wasted! I've learned this the hard way. Simmer for 6 minutes and then place immediately in an ice bath. Serve fresh over bread or eat alongside a simple morning salad.

Finally, combine fresh corn with chopped tomatoes, avocado, diced shallots, and lemon juice. Dill is a favorite herb of mine to add to any lemony dish but it's not a requirement. Salt and pepper, and serve generously.

Enjoy these last lazy hazy crazy days of summer!