maddy with a Y

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High Five for Friday, vol. 15

Good evening, friends! IMG_1243

This week was full of activity, and this weekend only promises to be more hectic. Sometimes you need that busy-bee lifestyle though to feel truly productive, and this was my first week at work where I really got into the groove and feel like I accomplished a lot. So, that's something!

Now I just need to start getting ready for the SF Etsy Indie Emporium coming up in November. It's only a few weeks away!

High Five

This week's High Five is a toss-up between surviving my second solo court appearance (in a different county with an unfamiliar Board, no less) and going to the opening of a friend's restaurant in Nob Hill.

The court appearance was not my most graceful moment, but I muddled through it, and everything turned out okay. Practice makes perfect!

The restaurant -- The Fine Mousse -- was a fantastic combination of old and new people, and lots and lots of champagnes. I can't wait to go back for their full menu.

Low Five

My low five this week is probably health-related -- I'm running the Nike Women's Half Marathon on Sunday, but I haven't worked out all week! Or for several weeks (months) before that. And, I sheepishly admit, my dinner tonight consisted of wine and cheese. Not the most nutritious start to the weekend, but there's always room for improvement! And cheese.

Your Five

- If you needed another reason besides your finances to make coffee at home, consider the fact that you could bring it to work in one of these cute mugs!

- If you're, like me, a pumpkin-phile during the months of August through March, you need to try this pumpkin chia pudding recipe.

- Have you ever done a keratin treatment? What about hair burning? There are so many different beauty treatments out there, it's hard to know what works!

- The San Francisco KitTea Café is open, and I've already had one friend Snapchat me from the middle of the kitty pile. You know who you are (Marissa.)

- I'm getting into knitting mode, and these Outlander-inspired knits are tooooootally striking my fancy. Anyone else?


When I check back in on Monday, I'll be doing so with much more sore legs. Wish me luck!